- ★東京大神宮★
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- 2010年もよろしくお願いします
This blog started about four years, little by little, so I will continue this year Este blog comenzó hace unos cuatro años, poco a poco, por lo que continuará este año
- ★寒すぎる★
下Satsu everyone is watching you this blog, nice to spend one year 下Satsu todo el mundo te está mirando este blog, agradable para pasar un año
- リベンジ
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- *誕生日*
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- IMSグループ初詣・・・
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- 新年会
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- 海のゴミ。
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- しあわせをシェア♪
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- 低予算プログラム『マツコの部屋』
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- 違和感を大切に
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- 初詣
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- 1日~3日は・・・
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- コンサートの記(43) 京都フィルハーモニー室内合奏団 「武満徹の世界」
nhk The election is a masterpiece of the show was broadcast on television art education, when the People Nokotta impression of it all, master of contemporary music by Toru Takemitsu (1930-96) talked about his music and the works of Redon words were 2006 Takemitsu. 10 Jahrestag des Todes
- handmade mute stand
nhk The election is a masterpiece of the show was broadcast on television art education, when the People Nokotta impression of it all, master of contemporary music by Toru Takemitsu (1930-96) talked about his music and the works of Redon words were 9 / 8 Durchmesser spielen bei der Herstellung von Toru Takemitsu, und entfernen oder legen großes Isogashii stumm
- 武満徹の名言—【私とルドン】より
nhk The election is a masterpiece of the show was broadcast on television art education, when the People Nokotta impression of it all, master of contemporary music by Toru Takemitsu (1930-96) talked about his music and the works of Redon words were NHK Die Wahl ist ein Meisterwerk der Show im Fernsehen Kunsterziehung, Sendung, wenn die Leute Nokotta Eindruck des Ganzen, der Meister der zeitgenössischen Musik von Toru Takemitsu (1930-96) sprach über seine Musik und die Werke von Redon Worte waren
Hatsumode, Reportage, japanese culture,