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○■ May 31st, the Gunma & Nii gata both prefectural police with burglar rape, the boy of the overland self-protecting soldier of Niigata prefecture Shibata city (19 years old) arrested the rape boy party which becomes
○■ As for truth in order tha t this rice field and [korabo] it photographs, it is to get off but…On the path between rice fields, dull very, sort of viewing those which block the positive shining without at all, it was not the heat where you can stand!!
○■ After Saturday of yesterd ay, completing breakfast, the hydrangea you went out to taking in the aqueduct mountain park which is in Mitsuke city, but still it was quick
○■ If you mention Shibata, t he Shibata castle, good point such as the Shimizu garden and butterbur valley rainbow child commemoration mansion the fullest capacity
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