- 10/22 gold heavy snow mountain [orusutazu
http://blog.livedoor.jp/himawari93/archives/51642699.html , a liberal translation Para obtener mas informacion, pregunte a los bloggers a enlazar.
- weblog title
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/midorinet002/e/b2977dfa3754a5aabefa3d853c0d56aa Summer of 1 the mountain the body temperature symptom, to prevent low from [tomuraushi] mountain accident, “way it approaches,” the deterioration windbreak food in the mouth 2010.7.16 Asahi newspaper 夏天1山体温症状,防止低[tomuraushi]山事故, “它接近的方式”,在嘴2010.7.16 Asahi报纸的恶化防风林食物
- 今年の夏山山行は・・・・
http://kazeyn.blog38.fc2.com/blog-entry-683.html The alone woman stops being able to move forward the [tomuraushi] mountaintop 单独妇女的中止能前进[tomuraushi]山顶
- 大雪山系遭難事故
http://nozuno.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/07/post-7bb9.html With [tomuraushi] as for mountain disaster whether luck is bad enormously, a liberal translation 与[tomuraushi]至于为山灾害运气是否是坏的极大地
- 北海道大雪山系のトムラウシ・美瑛岳で合わせて10人遭難死 道外中高年登山ツアーの強行日程が悪天候を軽視か→トムラウシでは過去にも7月に凍死者
http://iori3.cocolog-nifty.com/tenkannichijo/2009/07/10-7-f99d.html The party of [tomuraushi] was there is no tent 党[tomuraushi]是那里是没有帐篷
Daisetsuzan Volcanic, Leisure,