- Lake classified by nature
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/buran1129/52245389.html As for this the lake which was seen from the lakeside, a liberal translation 关于此从湖边被看见的湖
- * Coldly - - - - it is,*
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/masagtbsp/34905875.html This is cold, don't you think? ......... 这冷的,您是否是不认为? .........
- michi no eki sutanpurari^
http://kazuki-yukinokuni.tea-nifty.com/moonchild/2009/10/post-f4c4.html This so well enough pleasantly feeling 这那么还好宜人感觉
- If the journalist being after all dangerous, it probably will go
http://suzunoya.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/1728506/ This is accident, no one is blamed and it is not good blaming 这是事故,没人被责备,并且它不是好责备
- 北彩都エリア造成の今
http://myhome.cururu.jp/tsuchen/blog/article/31002762547 As for this those which looked at the rhinoceros pal from the place where it has the lawn 关于这看从地方的犀牛好朋友它有草坪的那些
- 今年の夏山山行は・・・・
http://kazeyn.blog38.fc2.com/blog-entry-683.html Wonder there is no this separately 那里奇迹分别地是没有这
Daisetsuzan Volcanic, Leisure,