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○■ Burning the “taking the field hormone”, we wait for crossing over everyone
○■ 「は~い、フラウ ゃん」 ち... “The ~ to be, [hurau]”? “For you if and opening the door
○■ Therefore “with special care, having tried to try climbing with this appearance”
○■ 「お嬢さん」かぁ. .. “Girl” [a, a liberal translation
○■ I of history lover tried going promptly, a liberal translation
○■ 今日は、まだまだ きますよ... Today goes still, a liberal translation
○■ So, it is [unchiku] of th e Minowa castle
○■ その静かな駅前を つめる信玄... The trust which stares before that quiet station 玄 the public bronze statue, feels also thing grief at all, a liberal translation
○■ And, fight of the Kawanak a island happens, a liberal translation
○■ しかし、石畳 は大 きな 丸石... But, as for the stone pavement it is not on this of the thing which is difficult to walk making use of big Maruishi, a liberal translation
○■ That this natural stone i s used, it does at one of the reasons where now it is observed the [yo, a liberal translation
○■ ★武田信玄1★・ ・家系&川... * To fight of Takeda Makoto 玄 1★・・・ lineage & Kawanaka island, a liberal translation
○■ - If Shimazu Yosihiro vs Hojo government, you become the grandchild, which? > It does with the grandchild, the [yo]…
○■ ●地雷バトンです ! ●見た... - It is the land mine baton!! - When you see, you do immediately, a liberal translation
○■ - If the city vs refuse, makes marrying, which? > You obtain,…, a liberal translation
○■ ■前田慶次⇒慶次 ■伊達政宗... * The Maeda celebration next ⇒ celebration next & the Date Masamune ⇒ Masamune, Date & the Katakura small ten 郎 ⇒ small ten 郎, densely [ji] [yu] * Sanada happiness village ⇒ happiness village, the [yu] [tsu] it comes and - * the Takeda Makoto 玄 ⇒ mansion way * monkey flying 佐 help ⇒ 佐 help, the [tsu] which it points it comes and - * ⇒ Hanbei Hanbei ⇒ Hidekiti Hidekiti Toyotomi, mountain gorilla & Takenaka, is the [be] * Chosokabe Motochika ⇒ [aniki], the CHIKA, the Motochika * Mouri original engaging in ⇒ okra, [nari] and original engaging in * ⇒ Nobunaga Nobunaga Oda, [hige] * densely the princess ⇒ densely the princess & the forest orchid circular ⇒ orchidCircular & sagacious Mitsuhide ⇒ metamorphosis and seeing [tsu], sagacity * ⇒ Kensin Kensin Uesugi * the refuse waits the ⇒ refuse * Maeda interest house ⇒ interest, dog Chishiro, the dog * the ⇒ which it waits, * the Shimazu Yosihiro ⇒ Shimazu [ji] [ji] it is and * Honda loyal victory ⇒ loyal victory, the phone dam * ⇒ Ieyasu Ieyasu Tokugawa and the raccoon dog * when comes and the ⇒ when coming & [zabi] ⇒ [zabi] * is shallow %
○■ * The one which you think that it is long, you abbreviating, is good, a liberal translation
○■ [ランキングサイト ] クリッ... If [the ranking sight] you can click, it is the rhinoceros y…, a liberal translation
○■ 1569 (Eiroku 12 year) at the beginning it was based on to Oishi cascade Yamashiro, but as for the person illumination which worth country which faces to Odawara attack (present Yamanasi prefecture is attacked by the) Takeda Makoto 玄 troop, feels the limit of cascade Yamashiro defense at that time, Nobunaga's Oda works the Azuchi castle which is done in reference, the mountain which is set with the stone wall. You say that it constructed, moved the base from cascade Yamashiro, a liberal translation
○■ 成功には、失敗が ... In success, failure medicine
○■ I by any means remember t he good fortune preservation of Kitamura one shine,…
○■ 何してるの?アス レア... What it has done? [asutorea, a liberal translation
○■ [kiyara] adding, is possi ble to decrease, is, a liberal translation
○■ ほんとに、彼の声 きくとba... The [ho] is with, when it is effective, the basara [tsu] [te] feeling does that voice, a liberal translation
○■ Temporarily, it tries buy ing however! The [a], Ishida it is unusually, well
○■ ところが、街中は んだん天気... However, weather became good throughout the city and gradually cleared up…
○■ By the way sequence 300 Y en, a liberal translation
○■ それを思うと、ち っとした感... When you think that, it was possible to soak in little deep emotion,
○■ You will stop that rear f orm with not to do, trust 玄 it is fixed being, as such as that with your own intention, you became one person
○■ そして二月は寅の であり、一... And February to be month of 寅, start of one year