- When present condition of the Japanese spiritual medical care is compared, a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/mizikanamondai/archives/51841621.html When it goes to the hospital in the melancholia, you are killed Cuando va al hospital en el melancholia, le matan
- As for mental health check obligation to worker thrust into dark age?, a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/mizikanamondai/archives/51837805.html When it goes to the hospital in the melancholia, you are killed Cuando va al hospital en el melancholia, le matan
- NHK [u] program
http://blog.livedoor.jp/mizikanamondai/archives/51835045.html When it goes to the hospital in the melancholia, you are killed Cuando va al hospital en el melancholia, le matan
- Fighting spirit one shot! The era “of Philopon”
http://totopapa.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/1625261/ Becoming the melancholia, 10 years, you disagree it takes [amokisan] of the medicine Haciendo el melancholia, 10 años, usted discrepa él toma [amokisan] de la medicina
Stimulant, Reportage,