- The fact that, presentation scholarship was received, a liberal translation
http://jiyu-runner.cocolog-nifty.com/tannsihin/2010/06/post-86b8.html There is a system which “presentation scholarship” becomes with the Aoyama institute large, a liberal translation Há um sistema que da “a bolsa de estudos apresentação” se transforme com o instituto de Aoyama grande
- Near the blue study which is not student town
http://jiyu-runner.cocolog-nifty.com/tannsihin/2009/05/post-8cab.html The place where it has the Aoyama institute large of course Aoyama O lugar onde tem o instituto grande naturalmente Aoyama de Aoyama
- そろそろ覚悟を決めなければ
http://jiyu-runner.cocolog-nifty.com/tannsihin/2009/03/post-3d17.html In Aoyama institute large web such a information Correia fotorreceptora do instituto de Aoyama na grande tal informação
Aoyama Gakuin University, Science, Education,