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○■ アッパーには柔ら なナイロン... We used the foaming material of light weight to nylon and sole upper softly, we actualized the kind wearing feeling where by the fact that French seam manufacturing method is adopted, there is a fitting impression, a liberal translation
○■ Don't you think? in starr ing the [wa] don't you think? this year 'the performance work of can Kay (no strings attached)' and 'the [maitei] saw (thor) which would like to hold' etc the 控 [e] furthermore presently while becoming pregnant to [natari] [potoman] (natalie portman) other than the happy peak, Mira [kunisu] (mila kunis) [vuasan] Cassel (vincent cassel) [babara] Hershey (the barbara [natari] [potoman] starring 'black swan' poster and trailer 2, a liberal translation
○■ ◆最優秀ニュース 報道番組賞(... * Most excellent news & reporting program prize (news and current affairs) “bbc scotland investigates: scotland's brand new bank” “eorpa” & “panorama britain's homecare scandal” & most excellent web prize (web) bbc:
○■ the dollar and the defici ts: how washington can prevent the next crisis by c. fred bergsten and peterson institute for international economics
○■ sf映画の傑作 『ブ ードラン... Don't you think? the masterpiece 'blade runner of the sf movie (blade runner)' it is production [te] 1982, a liberal translation
○■ i really thought i'd gone to his house, you know and to heal our spiritual divide but it turned out i was just gagging for a shag. those two are so similar! With this episode of helen mirren, jenny agutter and britt ekland sexy (the name and the work of famous) movie actress the large quantity appear by the fact that it becomes the nude
○■ cj ホブグッドbillabo ... cj hob good billabong rio pro round 3 results: HEAT 1: taj burrow (aus) 14.66 def. cory lopez (usa) 10.84heat 2: damien hobgood (usa) 11.33 def. heitor alves (bra) 4.03heat 3: dan ross (aus) 12.17 def. adrian buchan (aus) 7.97heat 4: jeremy flores (fra) 16.50 def. adam melling (aus) 6.77heat 5: joel parkinson (aus) 15.07 def. kieren perrow (aus) 7.83heat 6: bobby martinez (usa) 14.50 def. kelly slater (usa) 14.10heat 7: josh kerr (aus) 13.87 def. jordy smith (zaf) 13.17heat 8: adriano de souza (bra) 15.93 def. c.j hobgood (usa) 11.87heat 9: bede durbidge (aus) 12.17 def. patrick gudauskas (usa) 11.50heat 10: owen wright (aus) 11.66 def. taylor knox (usa) 9.80heat 11: michel bourez (pyf) 19.10 def. jadson andre (bra) 6.83heat 12: raoni monteiro (bra) 14.84 def. mick fanning (aus) with 13.73 round 3 to the [a] which is defeated “Kelly” never “[maru]”! This time it becomes “per” this season 2nd successive win of the best condition? So “when the Brazilian” [tsu] [te] you say, 'the bikini [tsu] it does after all,' the [e]?
○■ 笑顔も心も性格も patri... Therefore smiling face and heart and character as for… patrick angel +_+!! It is lovely! Chaos it is lovely!
○■ The sweat letting flow la zily, although the [ru] when the wind has stopped passing with the ~ hat; ; It comes off, +_+ (we fear, probably will be! Or ghost story (laughing), a liberal translation
○■ パトリック・patrick ... Patoric patrick patrick pamir-h Patoric sneaker Pamil hose gry (521534 fw10sp)
○■ で、ファン達はそ 着ぐるみの... So, as for fan person in the arrival involving…Even pete of the member of fob which by yourself love you do not become aware, the [te, a liberal translation
○■ で、どうしよう; ;って誰か... So, how it will do; ; ; However it tried desiring the fact that [tsu] [te] someone uploads with animated picture, a liberal translation
○■ Perhaps, with the 1st alb um becoming famous,…Therefore color it is the lyric which comes out of pete which suffered with scandal, the ~ +_+ where it reanimates you live persistently! You do not abandon! You can feel like will, (laughing)
○■ そんな繋がりで、 えてみただ... With such connection, just it tried thinking (laughing)
○■ The feeling whose voice o f the [ge] ~~~~~~~ celebration which it does is transparent doing, enormously you could think cleanly & purely, (laughing)
○■ おい!私のpatrickに 手... It is! The hand is produced to my patrick, is, (laughing)!
○■ As for that time…Ad lib place?; Normally, you could not sing; (cd you cannot sing likely; Ad lib there is no room which is inserted; ), a liberal translation
○■ 「ニュースあれこ 」カテゴリ... Up-to-date article November 3rd “of this category of news that” (wood) [bu] and coming November 2nd (water) [bu] and coming November 1st (fire) [bu] and that 2 November 1st of coming (fire) [bu] and coming October 31st (month) [bu] and coming that 2
○■ australian under 20 squad for the 2009 irb junior world cup forwards: albert anae (qld), nathan charles (act), kane douglas (nsw), damien fitzpatrick (nsw), talalelei gray (act), kesomi lolotonga (act), SAM latunipulu (nsw), david mcduling (nsw), tom murday (qld), jake shatz (qld), andrew shaw (qld), rob simmons (qld), james slipper (qld), ben whittaker backs: kurtley beale (nsw), corey brown (nsw), rod davies (qld), dane haylett-petty (wa), rob horne (nsw), richard kingi (qld), james o'connor (wa), mark swanepoel (wa), afusipa taumoepeau (act), ben tapuai (qld), matt toomua (act), nicholas white (act)., a liberal translation
○■ As for this history of th e soccer which starts being established at that time, as new sport (1863, football association establishment) with is piled up in England
○■ 『第3回したまちコ メディ映画祭... '3rd waiting rice D movie festival in Taito which is turned' the eve festival 'movie secret treasure of [kedo] which is it enshrines and' with the mania large participation movie 'kick ground of topic (kick-ass)' has stopped being the premiere being screened, when it is even 从 `[ro] ' 屮 从 the 屮 is, whether the [o] - [tsu] movie festival and movie secret treasure [korabo] plan [tsu] [te] ticket sellout inevitable () movie 'kick ground' premiere screening, a liberal translation
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