- , a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/nepnep04/42797335.html So, when is, it may become troublesome thing, is Assim, quando é, pode transformar-se coisa incômoda, é
- weblog title
http://marumaru0717.blog34.fc2.com/blog-entry-178.html Therefore so, on the worldwide land which is done in Berlin absorption Conseqüentemente assim, na terra mundial que é feita na absorção de Berlim
- ちょっ、欲しいよカード番号書いてくれる勇者
http://ameblo.jp/kamiyabyakura/entry-10236913047.html So, so, it is the desired person, but, a liberal translation Assim, assim, é a pessoa desejada, mas
Graduation, Sport, japanese culture, Education,