- Kawakami and the cocoa… it is the close friend.
http://bikkyatre3moa.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-10-25 The photograph being opened the rope which was bound, rather being delightful and around Kawakami shaking the extent tail which tears “it probably will go to walking!”With it is about it has invited, a liberal translation A fotografia que está sendo aberta a corda que foi limitada, um pouco sendo delicioso e em torno de Kawakami que agita a cauda da extensão que os rasgos “ele provavelmente irã0 ao passeio! ” Com ele é sobre ele convidou
- Moss walnut [yashiyabushi] walk atelier, a liberal translation
http://7512.blog86.fc2.com/blog-entry-228.html The photograph the Nagano plants dyeing & adapts recently with the branch piece coffee, to “when going the [yu]” [chi], to see from the vacant land of the moss & the neighborhood where you collect with the cascade the plant which has come out, inhaling Sawayama's from yesterday rain, because mood they were circumstances, unintentionally with carrying [pashiyari, a liberal translation A fotografia o Nagano planta a tingidura & adapta-se recentemente com o café da parte da filial, a “ao ir [yu]” [qui], para ver da terra vaga do musgo & da vizinhança onde você coleta com a cascata a planta que saiu, inalando Sawayama da chuva de ontem, porque o modo ela era circunstâncias, involuntàriamente com carreg [pashiyari
- Iwaki city Tono Cho and spring town etc
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/moperper/e/2f28db8fca1c543f7afab0d5adf1ac04 As for photograph, prefectural road 14 from Tono Cho in line and distance peak of hot water Quanto para à fotografia, à estrada prefeitural 14 de Tono Cho na linha e ao pico da distância da água quente
- Gauze and the [ma] [bi] it is dense the load & the babble highway, a liberal translation
http://hayabusa-kai.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/10/post-fb42.html I inhaled the tobacco taking the photograph, Eu inalei o tabaco que toma a fotografia,
- As for mountains, Siyuutou…?
http://osso-minamisuna.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/10/post-0539.html When it comes around the place of the photograph, gradually the vegetation changes Quando vem ao redor o lugar da fotografia, gradualmente a vegetação muda
Autumn leaves, Leisure, Nature,