- [dorakonia
http://blog.livedoor.jp/mumon1/archives/51671504.html When you look at this title, why street car which was running before the Japanese National Railways Sapporo station of that time is associated 当您看这个标题,在那时间的日本国有铁路札幌驻地之前运行的街道汽车为什么是伴生的
- It becomes cloudy directly tend
http://donguri-denden.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/10/post-87a6.html It is, don't you think?, but such business man [tsu] [te]… (laughing), the amount which is the screen of the cloud, the lawn it does the evening sun which shines from low position and between, dyes view to rose color, a liberal translation 它,您不认为?,但是这样商人[tsu] [te]… (笑),是云彩的屏幕的数额,草坪它做从低位置发光和之间的晚上太阳,洗染看法对玫瑰色颜色
- 2011/10/26
- Hiking continuation
http://ameblo.jp/bady-rebel/entry-11053486839.html When before this, going to large Wakuya in the family, the black cartridge 10 (the yolk when only 1 ate), was gotten angry to the old age married couple of next door… 当在此之前,去在家庭的大Wakuya,黑弹药筒10 (卵黄质,当仅1吃了),生气对隔壁晚年已婚夫妇…
Autumn leaves, Leisure, Nature,