- , a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/happajuku/archives/51898941.html “The [a], be able to persevere!”With, the kind of air which is encouraged does, a liberal translation “[a],能坚持! ”与,被鼓励的这空气
- The Osaka marathon 2011 Ae running description, a liberal translation
http://kamoshikanagai.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-11-03 “Now it is running the hall muscle just,”, that it seems like in dream “现在它跑大厅肌肉”,它似乎象在梦想
- A viagem do Hokkaido (de Hakodate a Sapporo)
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/gnet-rose24/e/31f7392297393a1f03c65ed6e55603b0 . 堡 With it is called “the edge enclosure” from the fact that five angles which are called the earth base are related to the pentagonal condition of star type Para obtener mas informacion, pregunte a los bloggers a enlazar.
- Matsudo city north nest egg & the mainland temple * in season of tinted autumn leaves flower lesson
http://fleurs-minajouet.at.webry.info/201110/article_11.html Becoming “the adult”, you feel season, “how to feel”, as just a little changed, you think 变成“成人”,您感觉季节, “如何感觉”,作为一一点改变,您认为
- Reflection meeting?, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/inagofamily/e/a8fd22fe2378354dfbc85743dbac9919 “The old people are quick with anything, is! It has gotten together it is it is not 5:30?”With it was said “老人是快的与任何东西,是! 它聚会了它是它不是5:30 ?”与它说
Autumn leaves, Leisure, Nature,