- These are talking of Japanese blogoholic.
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/kami5884com/35697394.html (You conversed selfishly, but whether it had been formed, there are no times when the word which is not certain leads, it is selfish interpretation) O que voce esta procurando informacoes sobre o Japao encontrado.
- ♪: ; ; ;: The ♪ it is dense the number and the tinted autumn leaves ♪: ; ; ;: ♪, a liberal translation
http://yrattendant.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/10/post-9dfe.html (It made consequence of the utility pole, but after all my arm still is evidence,…) (Il a fait la conséquence du poteau de service, mais après que tout mon bras soit toujours évidence,…)
- Mountain-climbing of [matsuki]: Seedling place mountain of tinted autumn leaves… part 2: Descent road to high moor and dragon gong
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/hps_tokyo/e/302ca46e709c7fa8ed063313cf8288e9 But (still 4 o'clock it is before, my shadow long has extended) with the process where the high moor is formed, can do the part where the opening of the peat layer which is accumulated is cultivated with the water to the swamp, a liberal translation Mais (toujours 4 heures qu'il est avant, mon ombre longtemps se sont prolongées) avec le processus où la haute amarrent est formé, peut faire la pièce où l'ouverture de la couche de tourbe qui est accumulée est cultivée avec de l'eau au marais
- Quantities the side which is active are few ~Σ (the ¯∇¯; )!, a liberal translation
http://birdsmam-yun.cocolog-wbs.com/blog/2011/10/post-ec6d.html (As for the place of q teacher Kafka of the cat it is, but this time in the sack still, while waiting) (Quant à l'endroit du professeur Kafka de q du chat il est toujours, mais cette fois dans le sac, tout en attendant)
- tama ha ���� toshi ��
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/komousayo/e/0a87e3b9421842a47152c97e230f357a Don't you think? (old [tsu] w) the cartridge leaf, [kore], is the kind of word which is because of you, w being vigorous forever, raging, don't you think? Ne pensez-vous pas ? (vieux [tsu] w) la feuille de cartouche, [kore], est le genre de mot qui est en raison de vous, W être forever vigoureux, faisant rage, vous ne pensent pas ?
Autumn leaves, Leisure, Nature,