- Park on cascade no, a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/stone13/archives/51835615.html The middle, being the place where from the rainy fog bridge it passed by the bridge in beauty of the tinted autumn leaves, finding the space, you stop the car O meio, sendo o lugar aonde da ponte chuvosa da névoa passou pela ponte na beleza das folhas de outono matizadas, encontrando o espaço, você para o carro
- Forest natural experience of Misakubo wild bird, a liberal translation
http://hoshin-k.cocolog-nifty.com/weblog/2011/10/post-7bdf.html The middle, also the place where ups and downs are harsh it was,… advanced to large Buna prudently, turned back from there, a liberal translation O meio, igualmente o lugar onde os altos e baixos são ásperos ele estava,… avançado ao grande Buna prudente, girado para trás de lá
- Returning on the same day traveling bulletin
http://ivyroad.blog3.fc2.com/blog-entry-494.html Road the middle beautiful! Unintentionally, verifying that rear does not come, stopping the car, the shutter Estrada o meio bonito! Involuntàriamente, verific que a parte traseira não vem, parando o carro, o obturador
- The September latter half
http://rara-dodo.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/10/post-dac7.html Midway, entering into the road which goes to Naka Furano, it runs with [su] ~ [isui] intently, it runs, it runs, a liberal translation Intermediário, participando na estrada que vai a Naka Furano, funciona com ~ [SU] [isui] atenta, ele funciona, ele funciona
- Adachi Tara mountain 〓
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/aberoom1/62858222.html When the independent man and story of the mountain are done from the middle, why the basket acting together, it increased Quando o homem e a história independentes da montanha forem feitos do meio, porque a cesta que actua junto, ele aumentou
Autumn leaves, Leisure, Nature,