- Minute heat - [do].
http://ashita-smile.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/11/post-3f9e.html Therefore now seeing time of the tinted autumn leaves like, to be enormous it is the pleasure, a liberal translation 所以现在看被设色的秋叶的时期喜欢,是极大的它是乐趣
- White cloth Otaki, a liberal translation
http://sweetdreamsheep.blog67.fc2.com/blog-entry-388.html With the latest mountain-climbing, it is to expect some tinted autumn leaves, but… 最新山攀登,它是期待一些被设色的秋叶,但是…
- kou ku sei shun e ketsu ��
http://blog.livedoor.jp/mura0303/archives/51956943.html Because Siyuuhuu of this year blows kindly, like also the 吊 flower which takes on autumnal tints will have been comfortable 由于亲切今年吹动Siyuuhuu,象也承担秋季色彩的吊花是舒适的
- sotsugyoushashin
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/potnouse77/62393395.html This year, the leaf which is damaged generally, with the typhoon being many, it is pitiful without taking on autumnal tints being reduced, 今年,通常损坏,当台风是许多,它的叶子是可怜的,无需承担减少的秋季色彩,
- Sign of fall, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/vicky_china1217/65192866.html Now, there is only this white flower in the pad, but also pink lovely is, don't you think?, a liberal translation 现在,有在垫的仅这束白花,而且桃红色可爱,您不认为?
Autumn leaves, Leisure, Nature,