- It is shy as the same prefectural person “enormous debt” disturbance., a liberal translation
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/east2/diary/201110200000/ In order to become still first, it published the tinted autumn leaves preceding day here, a little also the maple which has become colored had withered after all according to expectation 为了成为仍然第一,它出版在天之前的被设色的秋叶这里,少许也变得上色在所有以后凋枯了根据期望的槭树
- The Shinshu drive of fall, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/petittrain/entry-11057459499.html It begins to end also the tinted autumn leaves,… 它开始也结束被设色的秋叶,…
- Travelling of office.
http://blog.livedoor.jp/piroro52/archives/1924710.html The tinted autumn leaves however perhaps, already the end [wa] [tsu] [chi] [ya] [u], are the pleasure 或许然而被设色的秋叶,已经末端[wa] [tsu] [凯爱] [ya] [u],是乐趣
- 'The tinted autumn leaves already a little after…'
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/bcr-76/e/228c5d932c1e240a22878cfd85618863 Because [chiyotsu] it is like it is quick to the tinted autumn leaves, when already it does for a while, in addition we have decided to go out, a liberal translation 由于[chiyotsu]它是象是快的对被设色的秋叶,当它有一阵子时已经,另外我们决定出去
- Being last, you drop, the hole., a liberal translation
http://26763042.at.webry.info/201110/article_9.html Exceeding the pass where the tinted autumn leaves are clean, this time also the cars arrived few extremely quickly, a liberal translation 超出被设色的秋叶是干净的通行证,这次汽车极端迅速也到达了少数
- To pass through the high speed of the fog, Naruko 峡.
http://zenxweblog.cocolog-nifty.com/zenxweblog/2011/10/post-1c41.html The skillful dying the tinted autumn leaves which are crimson, yellow, shine in Asahi, a liberal translation 纯熟死是绯红色的,染黄,发光在Asahi的被设色的秋叶
Autumn leaves, Leisure, Nature,