- The Osaka marathon 2011 Ae running description, a liberal translation
http://kamoshikanagai.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-11-03 And it is before the goal sun/size, a liberal translation E é antes do sol/tamanho do objetivo
- Hokkaido (2), a liberal translation
http://minokasago.cocolog-nifty.com/minokasago/2011/10/2-fea8.html And, oh with while saying, it is the Chitose airport E, oh com ao dizer, é o aeroporto de Chitose
- Fall color, a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/hirobee824/archives/52023834.html And, the foot warmer was produced at last, a liberal translation E, o aquecedor do pé foi produzido no último
- , a liberal translation
http://hasekururu2nd.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-10-21 And, as for we fatigue of the foot without coming out, not running, a liberal translation E, quanto para aos nós desgastamo-nos do pé sem sair, não funcionando
- It is the view which profit is done a little., a liberal translation
http://cypress-topic.at.webry.info/201110/article_76.html And [kochira] is appearance of the hotel, but you called also this wood and became red with feeling E [kochira] é a aparência do hotel, mas você chamou igualmente esta madeira e tornou-se vermelhos com sentimento
- 2011.10.23 You give up also Kokonoe tinted autumn leaves hunt mountain-climbing with the rain
http://ameblo.jp/qmaeda/entry-11057175868.html These are talking of Japanese blogoholic. E prepara a montanha-escalada firmemente, a pessoa quem a preparação termina e escala na montanha
- October 19th (water) [bu] and coming
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/hanabouro/e/68a6f371ab57ee7a4822eeb5a9b4fc7a And, [sankirai] and the branch which the tinted autumn leaves apply slightly entered, - by hanahoro ON twitter E, [sankirai] e a filial que as folhas de outono matizadas aplicam entrado ligeiramente, - pelo twitter de hanahoro
- Dream
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/twilight-kona/e/ca378592ce8dec043ea0916014bb9514 And, it becomes eight one being filled, front of the eye opens suddenly,…So, generally being many not to go well, the shank, a liberal translation E, transforma-se oito uma que está sendo enchido, parte dianteira do olho abre de repente,… assim, geralmente sendo muitos a não ir bem, a pata
Autumn leaves, Leisure, Nature,