- For tinted autumn leaves sight-seeing, a liberal translation
http://tsuri-zanmai.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/11/post-e0ca.html And somehow it arrives at the parking zone of the camp place Und irgendwie kommt es zu der Parkenzone des Lagerplatzes
- To the small Kyoto of Chikuzen, a liberal translation
http://mamarin-diary.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/10/post.html And, it received Siyuugetu's special product “vine rice cake”, a liberal translation E, recebeu o produto especial da “bolo de Siyuugetu de arroz videira”
- Persevering northeast [popopopo] - [n] ♪ [mako] temporary leaving the hospital - mammoth [u] [re] P -… [koyaji
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/omaecharlly/52226807.html Therefore if and, today drives the expectation whose also condition is good leaving the hospital at one time,…, a liberal translation Conseqüentemente se e, conduz hoje a expectativa os cujos igualmente condicionam é boa saindo do hospital ao mesmo tempo,…
- Room hall - inner part Dainichi peak trekking, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/ontake3067/e/70c935f7365f1ce7b8d91fe504aa27da And this year, it is too slow after all even excessively in the tinted autumn leaves, a liberal translation E este ano, é demasiado lento após toda mesmo excessivamente nas folhas de outono matizadas
- ♪: ; ; ;: The ♪ it is dense the number and the tinted autumn leaves ♪: ; ; ;: ♪, a liberal translation
http://yrattendant.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/10/post-9dfe.html And, somehow “, densely the persevering where we would like to take the photograph where the number and the tinted autumn leaves” are good it increased, but Und, irgendwie „, dicht ausharrend, wo wir die Fotographie nehmen möchten, in der die Zahl und die abgetönten Herbstblätter“ gut sind, erhöhte sich es, aber
- Gauze and the [ma] [bi] it is dense the load & the babble highway, a liberal translation
http://hayabusa-kai.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/10/post-fb42.html And the scenery which is seen for the first time is always fresh Und die Landschaft, die gesehen, zum ersten Mal ist immer frisch
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/littleamago/62849803.html And, the Tsubame mountain villa was visible! Und, das Tsubame Gebirgslandhaus war- sichtbar!
- sato asa ga futsukarenzoku yuushou ��
http://golffield.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/10/post-2a66.html And consideration it received in representation and Yoshioka of magic, could point also many practices, a liberal translation E consideração que recebeu na respresentação e Yoshioka da mágica, poderia apontar igualmente muitas práticas
- Fall, the seeing [tsu] [ke]!, a liberal translation
http://taiyou-miko2.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-10-22 Then, the switch “of emergency” was turned on, the face changing surprisedly, “you understood” whether it is with it will do, directly what after all, calling the doctor of the cerebral surgery by the [tsu] [te] portable telephone, furthermore therefore the night mri and the special engineer calling making possible the result, the evidence of the brain blockage on the basis of the mri inspection result, the medical examination of the doctor of the cerebral surgery that it cannot be taken,… discovering! After all, a liberal translation Dann wurde der Schalter „der Dringlichkeit“, das Gesicht eingeschalten, das surprisedly ändert, „Sie verstanden, dass“, ob es mit ihm tut, direkt ist, was schließlich den Doktor der zerebralen Chirurgie durch das [tsu] [te] bewegliche Telefon, außerdem folglich das Nachtmri und den speziellen Ingenieur benennend benennend, das Resultat, den Beweis ermöglichend der Gehirnblockierung auf der Grundlage von das mri Kontrollenresultat, die ärztliche Untersuchung des Doktors der zerebralen Chirurgie, dass sie nicht genommen werden kann,… entdeckend! Schliesslich
- The highest bright autumnal weather
http://yrattendant.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/10/post-c16a.html And, as for my present impression E, quanto para a minha impressão atual
- Visiting the tinted autumn leaves of the inner part flying 騨, NO 1, a liberal translation
http://tyoutyo.cocolog-wbs.com/gokurakutonnbo/2011/10/post-adc9.html And from the time before having become matter of concern, that is the big building of gold [pika] which is suburb E do tempo antes que tem a matéria de interesse tornada, aquele é o edifício grande do ouro [pika] que é subúrbio
- Travel upstream of salmon
http://hado.air-nifty.com/blog/2011/10/post-0730.html And it keeps facing to the winter E mantem o revestimento ao inverno
Autumn leaves, Leisure, Nature,