- The September latter half
http://rara-dodo.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/10/post-dac7.html In tinted autumn leaves quick ~, a liberal translation 在被设色的秋叶快的~
- It went to three peak visiting., a liberal translation
http://inubouakata.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/10/post-8c7d.html It is like just a little it is quick in the tinted autumn leaves, it is good at the point where, but whatever degree visiting after all, three peaks are healed heart 它是象小它是快的在被设色的秋叶,它在,但是的点上是好任何终究程度参观三锐化是愈合的心脏
- Now of the Wakakusa mountains top the ♪
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/elm0321/35718363.html In tinted autumn leaves still quick kana ♪ 在被设色的秋叶快的kana ♪
- To Kyoto…., a liberal translation
http://tomie-bag.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/10/post-6072.html However it is quick still in the tinted autumn leaves, four provision Kawahara Cho where the sightseer is many as usual 然而它是在被设色的秋叶的快的平静,四供应观光者是许多和平常一样的Kawahara Cho
- Nagato which still is deep blue 峡 (10/8)
http://takarakomaru.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/10/108-bbb3.html It is quick still in the tinted autumn leaves, is, but because the amount which cannot be climbed in the mountain we would like to walk even a little you came in the coconut 它是在被设色的秋叶的快的平静,是,但是,因为在山不可能攀登我们的数额希望走甚而一点您进来椰子
- Yamadera _1110
http://http404.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/10/_-4647.html It seems the still quick way in the tinted autumn leaves, but even then the sight-seeing bus comes incessantly and, at each time the streetcar arrives at the station the person the cup with it surges 它似乎在被设色的秋叶的快的方式,但是甚而观光的公共汽车持续不断地然后来,并且,在,每次路面电车到达驻地人与它的杯子涌起
- [dariya] it blooms, a liberal translation
http://horihori-porepore.air-nifty.com/blog/2011/10/post-ddea.html As for the tinted autumn leaves coming, as for [dariya] of the park the ^^ which still has bloomed 关于来,至于为的被设色的秋叶[dariya]公园仍然开了花的^^
- While looking at treasure Nagayama
http://sakenoiwase.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/10/post-67dc.html The tinted autumn leaves still time being quick, now one… 被设色的秋叶仍然计时是快的,现在一个…
- 10/26 natural education gardens Hiroo Yoyogi park cycling
http://takacci.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/10/1026-a453.html The tinted autumn leaves still seem like ahead 被设色的秋叶仍然似乎象向前
- no title
http://mutinner.blog116.fc2.com/blog-entry-1380.html The cake which is received from the tinted autumn leaves bear [e] [e] w 从被设色的秋叶被接受的蛋糕负担[e] [e] w
Autumn leaves, Leisure, Nature,