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○■ Chirashi sushi Pon drinki ng alcohol than 2 cup ... and I thought, noticing the air of not eating meat at all recently, grilled chicken after all 10 books
○■ Chirashi sushi and vegeta bles the way it is (maybe) and the other steamed vegetables, salad, pumpkin and pork-like and I feel sorry for people without food out The参Rimashita photos
○■ Today the festival - this week just because papa chirashi sushi I eat a meal has now - at home late yesterday with hair 結Wa they really tried hard today were Chonmage 』also wanted to move to 2 Kedo bought during this time she s hard to tie and one Kawayui 『a』 tofu, Anpanman Takano Miyu hand can not bear to eat tomorrow ... I tried to give a shelf life from me was eating fine until tomorrow If you think you hate sounds like
○■ We did make me feel less in the morning from her mother s making us take 『a』 also, I received delicious ~ \ (^ θ ^:;) after eating the cake I bought yesterday Hina still leave flowers bloom peach buds ( ̄ ▽  ̄;) A Cana should have just bought sooner
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