- Diplomacy consideration the abrupt nuclear stop which is lacked
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/maruse1/e/97b5893f0d93aff1ed53f659d03547e1 Those where the Democratic party administration was created are the voter who throws one vote Aqueles onde a administração do partido Democratic foi criada são o eleitor que joga um voto
- You shirk!, a liberal translation
http://nobu-bookshelf.cocolog-nifty.com/random/2011/05/post-2499.html Democratic party administration “closing the National Diet quickly, by the fact that nothing does, wishes to prevent demerit” A administração do partido Democratic “que fecha a dieta nacional rapidamente, pelo fato que nada faz, deseja impedir o demérito”
- dairen ritsu ������ nase banarutoha iu monono ������ kan deha nase nu dairen ritsu
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/takesikabulife/61041736.html The power dispute inside the Democratic party the weak meat strongly became aspect of the food, a liberal translation A disputa do poder dentro do partido Democratic a carne fraca transformou-se fortemente aspecto do alimento
- kan shushou �� zokutou �ס� kokumin gurou nimo gendo gaaru
http://iwaiwa.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/06/post-32ae.html The reason which should question the propriety of the Democratic party administration, there is here, a liberal translation A razão que deve questionar o adequação da administração do partido Democratic, lá está aqui
Supplementary budget, Politics ,