- Yanagida method phase resignation in successor 仙 valley [a]. The worst (><), a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/shigeotalk/e/6bff0fbd15f2e6fa1b2ea24dcb273778 The Liberal Democratic Party, securely it does, a liberal translation El partido Democratic liberal, hace con seguridad
- Here without submitting, Gatun is about to do, Mori Abe one!!, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/shishizanoushi/e/125da194cb566f063d286ebfe917a98d Opposition party such as the Liberal Democratic Party being opposite, it cannot avoid waiving? ¿Partido de oposición tal como el partido Democratic liberal que está enfrente de, no puede evitar renunciar?
http://crutonpapa.at.webry.info/201106/article_64.html The Liberal Democratic Party and the like, carrying back, says, probably becomes the shape which is accepted El partido Democratic liberal y similares, llevando detrás, dice, se convierte en probablemente la forma se acepta que
- But 菅 the prime minister, it conversed with Ozawa is,
http://ts.way-nifty.com/makura/2010/12/post-2314.html Without fail, such a thing does not have to be permitted,, a liberal translation Sin falta, tal cosa no tiene que ser permitida,
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