- Diplomacy consideration the abrupt nuclear stop which is lacked
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/maruse1/e/97b5893f0d93aff1ed53f659d03547e1 The Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima 1st nuclear accident is received and it is same the Chinese country for insecurity to the nuclear plant to have increased, 东京电力福岛第1次核事故被接受,并且它是同样不可靠的中国国家到核工厂增加了,
- As for result result
http://ameblo.jp/hanabusa-fujie/entry-10858318257.html As seen, that also administration criticism of the newspaper each paper for the Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima 1st nuclear accident echoed “it was written the harsh article in election day, such recognition was in the voter” that it grumbled 如也被看见,报纸的那管理批评每张纸为东京电力随声附和“它的第1次核事故在选举日被写苛刻的文章的福岛,这样公认是在那的选民”它抱怨了
- It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
http://asahisyougun.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/2313032/ In the accident of the Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima first nuclear power plant, the remote manipulation robot of the United States make entering into the reactor building it did e.g., the radiation dose inside is measured 即在东京电力福岛第一个核电站的事故,美国的遥远的操作机器人做它的加入反应器大厦,辐射剂量里面被测量
- Us who raise the tube in this emergency.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/goodmiwatya/e/4ba5b88faba67d671a2096cfe612b664 It is seen as influence of the Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima 1st nuclear accident, discontinues the reclamation of the burned ash from 6 ends of the month 被看见作为东京电力福岛第1次核事故的影响,中断被烧的灰的开垦从月的6个结尾的
- shushou �� kogata no tsuika hosei shiji �� gatsu nai no taijin fuuji ru nerai
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/g3g3g11/e/659190f47dc3c8b1fa4f11c75fd09fc1 Other than cost of victim relief of the Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima 1st nuclear power plant accident to correspondence “double loan” problem is included 除东京电力福岛第1次核电站事故的受害者安心之外的费用对书信“双贷款的”问题是包括的
- Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/55yasuji/e/f385c31c7502a51be1492b86f1716dc2 With the Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima first nuclear plant, is higher than close Ibaraki prefecture being the position which 东京电力福岛第一家核工厂,高于接近的茨城专区是的位置
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