- The left leg intense painfully, just walks from New Year's Eve difficult New Year's Day
http://tenmei.cocolog-nifty.com/matcha/2012/01/post-a392.html Well, in addition tomorrow therefore from morning movement, it will end gradually Gut, zusätzlich morgen folglich von der Morgenbewegung, beendet es stufenweise
- Craftily the American success stealing [re
http://himajin321q.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/2557243/ Well, as for the planting grass it is the � Gut, was das pflanzende Gras anbetrifft ist es das �
- 硯 摺 And others in [zu] grindstone 摺 [ru]., a liberal translation
http://tekuiko-torifur.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2012-01-02 Well, tomorrow [naniwoshiyoukana]? Gut morgen [naniwoshiyoukana]?
- You aim toward the Tokyo upward - sky tree, - (the first volume)
http://blog.livedoor.jp/mackey_town/archives/51875747.html Well, because it became long, this time to here Gut weil es lang wurde, dieses mal zu hier
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