- The Keihin bullet train “Rokugo bank station”
http://t-kondoh.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/02/post-aa07.html You think that if the one which becomes viewing you know the New Year's Day usual Hakone Race, but when the post horse runner crosses this bridge, to the Tsurumi repeater station the place, rear taking a rest, a liberal translation Sie denken dass, wenn das, das Betrachtung wird, Sie das Hakone-Rennen des neuen Jahres übliche Tageskennen, aber wenn der Pfostenpferdenläufer diese Brücke, zur Tsurumi Relaisstation der Platz, die Rückseite kreuzt, die einen Rest nimmt
- Challenge of this year
http://ameblo.jp/yoshioyoko/entry-11125622030.html Every year, being impressed with the Hakone Race, energy receiving, the [ru Jedes Jahr, beeindruckend mit dem Hakone-Rennen, Energieempfangen, [ru
- 15, challenge [burogu
http://ameblo.jp/bird238/entry-11123873318.html When every year it is this time, it rises, don't you think?, the Hakone Race, a liberal translation Wann jedes Jahr, das es dieses mal, es ist, nicht steigen Sie denken? , das Hakone-Rennen
- Japanese weblog
http://ameblo.jp/soccer-coaching/entry-10758604075.html Every year, gathers the interest of the Japanese citizen the Hakone Race… whichEven then as for feeling strange feeling has by his just become distorted? Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- original letters
http://ameblo.jp/maccoto75/entry-10756832919.html Every year, my first crying the Hakone Race Jedes Jahr, mein erstes schreien das Hakone-Rennen
Hakone Ekiden, Sport, Broadcast,