- Election and poll ratio (2011.12.9, No.293)
http://h-kom.at.webry.info/201112/article_2.html The nineties, bubble business ending, is the time when it starts rushing to depression, a liberal translation Os anos noventa, término do negócio da bolha, são o tempo em que começa se apressar à depressão
- The Chinese Shinkansen
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/carol3113/e/d651bd60a37e1dc27362fb9ee390a9e9 Bubble period of the eighties, Japan had become ecstasy O período dos anos 80, Japão da bolha teve a êxtase tornada
- The enormous scandal of Ichiro's Ozawa is exceeded much, you think the thing where also the female of the administration of justice legislature enters in the treason incident due to the Democratic party., a liberal translation
http://buster21.at.webry.info/201109/article_31.html Large portion of big business of the software industrial affiliation which is born after the eighties, diverting capital and technology of American [iruminatei] to Japan, is the enterprise which is born A grande parcela de grande negócio da afiliação industrial do software que é nascida após os anos 80, desviando o capital e a tecnologia do americano [iruminatei] a Japão, é a empresa que é nascida
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/mmasaosato/e/802bda8fcd746a78ff9b5e4a0374b2a3 The Jane Crow abolition treaty which is adopted in the General Assembly 1979 you ratify Japan in 85 O tratado da abolição do corvo de Jane que é adotado na assembleia geral 1979 você ratifica Japão em 85
Communist Party, Politics ,