- The social conditions which are troubled with also 6−148 title
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/usui0789/e/019ef477327ec223fde3d02dbbcb4f63 If with it does, although there is no execution power, as for criticizing government and social conditions “you curse and probably become word”?, a liberal translation Se com ele faz, embora não haja nenhum poder da execução, quanto para ao governo de crítica e às circunstâncias sociais “você maldiz e transforma-se provavelmente palavra”?
- * Why not being able to say with big voice?
http://k9mp.at.webry.info/201109/article_13.html Why, leaving this “lie”? Por que, deixando esta “mentira”?
- Consumer tax before lifting, there are times when you do!
http://kurochan-jcp.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/01/post-1f7f.html Why, someone making? If it makes clear, the field. It stops occurring with conquest Por que, alguém que faz? Se faz claramente, o campo. Para de ocorrer com conquista
- 菅 Naoto to reads the background which is converted “the deviation from nuclear dependence” empty “counter nuclear plant” and solves. 菅 As for the execution for Naoto “hara-kiri”, or “in regard to the city drawing around, it executes in the fire roasting”, death penalty?
http://blog.livedoor.jp/gold_7777/archives/51803127.html Why, 菅 Naoto 62,500,000 Yen the large sum to donating “the meeting of the citizen who aims toward administration alternation”? 菅 The parent enterprise, Naoto, “aims to toward the administration alternation of the small company offering activity fund meeting of the citizen who”? As for “meeting of the citizen who aims toward administration alternation” 菅 the connected balancing of accounts small company of Naoto's?, a liberal translation Por que, 菅 Naoto 62.500.000 ienes a grande quantidade a doar “a reunião do cidadão quem aponta para a alternação da administração”? 菅 a empresa de pai, Naoto, “alvos para à alternação da administração da reunião de oferecimento do fundo da atividade da pequena empresa do cidadão quem”? Quanto para “reunião do cidadão quem aponta para ao 菅 da alternação da administração” o equilíbrio conectado da pequena empresa dos clientes de Naoto?
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