- The Chinese Communist Party which is not disgusted to either the large accident of the rapid-transit railway
http://zukunasi.at.webry.info/201107/article_96.html However, as for many of the latest victim,, a liberal translation Sin embargo, en cuanto a muchas de la última víctima,
- Gold gate itinerary
http://genki-eguchi.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/11/post-b6e8.html However, as for the salesman as for Japanese it was the person who cannot speak either the [ro] or English Sin embargo, en cuanto al vendedor en cuanto a japonés era la persona que no puede hablar [ro] o inglés
- First spring?
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/55yasuji/e/c9a1b81076206e24d1186af8ad4c9cb0 However, as for “the new party coming [zu]” it sailed with 9, a liberal translation Sin embargo, como para “el nuevo partido que venía [zu]” él navegó con 9
- It is the cultural festival latter half. It was crowded with the person of the multitude., a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/wafutennin/e/a309b7756d1d8bf49821a80e5fe7a78e However, the people who produce the cultural festival latter half work have done the work in taking Sin embargo, la gente que produce el último medio trabajo del festival cultural ha hecho el trabajo en tomar
- As for intellectual person commission of nuclear accident in those which voice of the citizen reflects. In study meeting of new system of nurture participation.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/mmasaosato/e/71641b57674ed5080145466da8971eaf However being the 28th of session end, you thought what, the Democratic party directly under changing suddenly is to recognize the fact that “you place in the National Diet”, a liberal translation Sin embargo siendo el 28vo cuarto del extremo de la sesión, usted pensó cuál, el partido Democratic directamente bajo cambio repentinamente es reconocer el hecho que “usted pone en la dieta nacional”
- Jedoch viel tun und die selben
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/denndousi7777/38620339.html However, because in Japan even now it is legitimate, assuming, that this way it became temporarily the sickness, it is not compensated,, a liberal translation Sin embargo, porque en Japón incluso es legítimo ahora, asumiendo, que esta manera él se convirtió en temporalmente la enfermedad, no se compensa,
Communist Party, Politics ,