- January 19th (wood) [bu] and coming that 2, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/aleido_che_guevara/e/686dd04bd35976b2340d2f063e7c6b32 21:43 from jigtwi (re: @roarmihoko) [3 rt] as for having appeared in @roarmihoko @takeno_t here political party grant kana? When we assume that is, the Japanese Japan Communist Party comes out, it cannot boil, 21:43 do jigtwi (com referência a: @roarmihoko) [3 rt] quanto para a ter aparecido no kana da concessão do partido político do @takeno_t do @roarmihoko aqui? Quando nós supor isto é, o Japão que japonês o partido comunista sai, ele não pode ferver,
- January 17th (the fire) having such a policy everywhere, increase that 2→ “Japanese Japan Communist Party of the [bu] and the coming it is. To some extent…”
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/m-mzn/e/1fcb6ae3935df52ce3cddb93d690b0a6 22:33 from unintentionally [tsu] [pu] [ru] /twipple (re: @junks2) In order not to have misunderstanding in @junks2 expression, in the future sufficiently the 22:38 from which pays attention unintentionally [tsu] [pu] [ru] /twipple (re: @tamo2_1965) @tamo2_1965 well, a liberal translation 22:33 de involuntàriamente [tsu] [plutônio] [ru] /twipple (com referência a: @junks2) Para não ter o engano na expressão @junks2, no futuro suficientemente o 22:38 de que paga a atenção involuntàriamente [tsu] [plutônio] [ru] /twipple (com referência a: @tamo2_1965) @tamo2_1965 jorram
- January 16th (month) the 2→ “current administration of the [bu] and the coming including, as for successive administration, in order to be complete social security country…”, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/aleido_che_guevara/e/5e99cd5152e4e08cdf4649b0f25bd2c5 21:38 rt from unintentionally [tsu] [pu] [ru] /twipple Because it is the case that possessing the vulnerability which cannot control the nuclear plant is proven with earthquake disaster ahead, as a direction after all it probably is the deviation from nuclear plant 21:38 rt de involuntàriamente [tsu] [plutônio] [ru] /twipple porque é o caso que possuindo a vulnerabilidade que não pode controlar o central nuclear é provado com disastre do terremoto adiante, porque um sentido após tudo é provavelmente o desvio do central nuclear
- 1 gatsu 17 nichi ( hi ) notsubuyaki �� 1 ban RT saretatsubuyakiha �� watashi nitotte nippon no seikai kara kie te hoshii nin ... ��
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/aleido_che_guevara/e/031bb89b202ad573ce9ba99317a10beb 22:54 from jigtwi (re: @chibiroo) @chibiroo @mizuno_masami me you burn, densely it is the same opinion 22:54 do jigtwi (com referência a: o @mizuno_masami do @chibiroo do @chibiroo) mim que você se queima, densa ele é a mesma opinião
- These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/aleido_che_guevara/e/dfae89c3d002aa25cb98a4c8faa58cc4 , a liberal translation Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.
- As for the [bu] and the coming which January 17th (the fire) the 1→1 turn RT of the [bu] and the coming are done and pass “as for the Japanese Japan Communist Party as for the old Soviet Union socialist…”, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/m-mzn/e/f3e30fada4c54a3e0bb55f95885b88a8 21:49 from unintentionally [tsu] [pu] [ru] /twipple (re: @junks2) @junks2 so is? 21:49 de involuntàriamente [tsu] [plutônio] [ru] /twipple (com referência a: @junks2) @junks2 é assim?
Communist Party, Politics ,