- Even at temporary dispensary bed necessity, prefectural Takeda director of a hospital
http://rkh-iwate.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/07/post-c87b.html Saito prefectural discussion introducing that it picks up at the temporary national assembly concerning the reconstruction policy of the same hospital, a liberal translation Discusión de la prefectura de Saito que introduce que coge en la asamblea nacional temporal referente a la política de la reconstrucción del mismo hospital
- Nuclear 126,000 human new lady signature submitting
http://sekolife.blog45.fc2.com/blog-entry-815.html Masakata the Japanese Japan Communist Party Akamine, Akira Kasai, Tetuya Shiokawa, the Takahashi [chi] [zu] child, each member of the house of representatives of Takesi's Miyamoto, Councilor Tomoko Tamura received signature, encouraged the participants, a liberal translation Masakata el Partido Comunista japonés Akamine, Akira Kasai, Tetuya Shiokawa, el niño de Takahashi [ji] [zu], cada miembro de Japón de la cámara de representantes de Miyamoto de Takesi, firma recibida Tamura de Tomoko del concejal, animó a los participantes
http://kazushigemurakami.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/08/post-dd19.html As for the Japanese Japan Communist Party it is the party which opposes to war with life per seat, a liberal translation En cuanto al Partido Comunista japonés de Japón es el partido que se opone a la guerra con vida por asiento
- After a long time democratic teacher theory
http://kurochan-jcp.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/11/post-d968.html You think that as for the Japanese Japan Communist Party you define the specialist of the education of the teacher, has adjusted the citizen and power to be high can do thing Usted piensa que en cuanto al Partido Comunista japonés de Japón usted define al especialista de la educación del profesor, ha ajustado al ciudadano y la energía de ser alta puede hacer cosa
http://wyasu-koyouen.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/08/post-69d0.html The Japanese Japan Communist Party is the party just of the mouth, perhaps this way is the wee party,, a liberal translation El Partido Comunista japonés de Japón es el partido apenas de la boca, quizás esta manera es el partido pequenito,
- The grommet [bu] it is 'as for the akahata', to attack 'the dangerous story' of Takashi's Hirose, there is no qualification which insists the “deviation from nuclear plant” to the Japanese Japan Communist Party which was denied!
http://keibadameningen.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/10/post-95a2.html It means that the Japanese Japan Communist Party and the corporation people party have ridden in such a “legend” Significa que el Partido Comunista japonés de Japón y el partido popular de la corporación han montado en tal “leyenda”
- Tokyo conduct revival joint center Tokyo Electric Power Company of Fukushima anger compensates extensively
http://sekolife.blog45.fc2.com/blog-entry-440.html When prefecture discussion Hasebe original Fukushima the Japanese Japan Communist Party 淳 “earthquake came, although all power source was lost, pointed out the danger which becomes large accident, Tokyo Electric Power Company did not have the ear which is heard Cuando vino la discusión Hasebe Fukushima original de la prefectura de Japón del Partido Comunista 淳 del grande japonés “, aunque toda la fuente de energía fuera perdida, precisó el peligro que se convierte en terremoto accidente, Tokio que la compañía de energía eléctrica no tenía el oído se oye que
Communist Party, Politics ,