- To “Tokugawa house [yu] temporary facility it went walking which is related to” the station high, (2011.02.05).
http://sakaking.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/02/20110205-6229.html There is a plant of the various kind Es gibt eine Anlage der verschiedenen Art
- Japanese Letter
http://noshio.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/01/post-0a5d.html The Hakone Race which is supported in the various people Das hakone-Rennen, das in die verschiedenen Völker gestützt wird
- weblog title
http://ameblo.jp/flowerrose-m-ichiki/entry-10426369825.html While the various happening every year happens, the drama which with teamwork can connect [tasuki] carefully in thinking each one enormously the ♪ chasing removal which is impression it came, however to be, a liberal translation Während verschiedene geschehen jedes Jahr geschieht, das Drama, das an Teamwork sorgfältig anschließen kann [tasuki], wenn es enorm jedes das ♪ denkt, das Abbau jagt, der Eindruck ist, den, es kam, gleichwohl sein
- 2009 Hakone Race returning/repeating road
http://ameblo.jp/kimamani3627/entry-10425872396.html Various drama sees and it is the [re] [ru] Hakone Race, but Verschiedenes Drama sieht und es ist [bezüglich] [ru,], Hakone-Rennen, aber
Toyo University, Reportage,