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○■ “Pink the up-to-date ar ticle of daily” category it processed is, if - it is * so you say, it is the [bu] certain January 23rd (Monday) is test study and the [bu] and the coming coming January 22nd (Sunday)
○■ 「こどものこと」 テゴリの最... “Though it is dense, don't you think? up-to-date article New Year's writing classroom skating of thing” category finally it came, -
○■ recent entries... recent entries | News spring of news temporary suspension of business of news temporary suspension of business of temporary suspension of business the news of the day off
○■ 皆様のごひいきに り、 にほ... By the favor of everyone, in blowing easy section of Japanese [burogu] village it is eaten into unexpected higher rank, a liberal translation
○■ もちろん硬球に慣 られるとい... Of course, as for the merit that it is with you think, it is accustomed to sphere hard, but I do not recommend
○■ Because with as for the n otion that where you say as for this article now it is the article of the beginning of the year, it is the circumstance which expresses greeting in New Year
○■ 何だか楽だったな というの... It is what, was easy - is thought
○■ 久しぶりにやっち うんです!!... And the [tsu] [chi] [ya] bearing after a long time, it does!! Combat!! That person
○■ With being the case that it is said, Nagahama spring tries probably to go to the day off temporarily to a you will abandon advance shipment the handle it goes without fail and!!
○■ ちょうど次の日か 新しいアト... Unexpected it seems that is less crowded because exactly new attraction starts from the following day
○■ When sale contents and th e like of the respective time zone it decides, rise stripe [] it does on occasion, a liberal translation
○■ 「日記」カテゴリ 最新記事... Up-to-date article leap year “of diary” category it came being and - it is [chiyari
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