- 9th paragraph Kawasaki - Iwada Todoroki hippodrome, a liberal translation
http://jblood.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/05/8--65c2.html * May 2nd (Wednesday) * 2 de mayo (agua)
- This rumor
http://anthony-nabe.cocolog-nifty.com/myblog/2012/05/post-b1f8.html Sanae Ku ■5/5 @power SPOT jeanne Niigata city Konan 2-2-35 tel: 025-256-8818. . 2,500 w/1drink Teléfono de Konan 2-2-35 de la ciudad de Niigata del jeanne del PUNTO del @power de Sanae Ku ■5/5: 025-256-8818. 2.500 with1drink
- It is full with the young person., a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/fmyostaff/65257442.html * June 5th (Sunday) the meeting which probably will walk ended pleasantly with the participation 150 * El 5 de junio (domingo) la reunión que caminará probablemente terminó agradable con la participación 150
Golden Week, japanese culture, Leisure,