- When the FM WING feature program road east road it is free it goes by the echo car the [chi]①
http://blog.livedoor.jp/fm761blog/archives/51978050.html Yesterday, noon, we broadcast the feature program which conveys the information of sight-seeing traffic of Golden Week holidays from 12 o'clock to 3 o'clock in the afternoon Hier, midi, nous annonçons le programme de dispositif qui donne l'information du trafic guidé des vacances d'or de semaine de 12 heures à 3 heures l'après-midi
- More and more they are Golden Week holidays.
http://blog.livedoor.jp/kaorun05020415/archives/1622864.html Golden Week holidays started from yesterday, a liberal translation Les vacances d'or de semaine ont commencé à partir d'hier
- Sister-in-law and grumble conference (laughing)
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/simoji_may/e/3ecad93c757d56dde5b42da9b5f2e617 Don't you think? yesterday was Golden Week holidays first day, a liberal translation Ne pensez-vous pas ? hier était le premier jour de vacances d'or de semaine
- Recently many traffic accident
http://ameblo.jp/makino-k/entry-11237196438.html This Golden Week holidays feeling reduced in the bus accident of high-speed bus tour of yesterday, a liberal translation Vacances d'or de cette semaine se sentant réduites dans l'accident d'autobus de l'excursion d'autobus à grande vitesse d'hier
- Baba, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/bestwishes2000/e/5377228b5f936fc76e19a2ffac67bdc3 Last night the old boys and to nighttime start of Golden Week holidays from toast La nuit dernière les vieux garçons et au début de nuit des vacances d'or de semaine de pain grillé
Golden Week, japanese culture, Leisure,