- The spring when it is different from yesterday
http://kawabee.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/04/post-8595.html Well, as for the forest season advances regardless of to the entrance and exit of the person Bien, en cuanto a la estación del bosque avanza sin importar a la entrada y la salida de la persona
- GW thrust 2012
http://misonokatuo211.seesaa.net/article/267568265.html Well, the first day of such a gw, as for me to Tajimi Bien, el primer día de tal gw, en cuanto a mí a Tajimi
- Type of person, a liberal translation
http://ryufuu.cocolog-nifty.com/hibinokaze/2012/04/post-54b9.html Well, this time it will try recording concerning the type of person Bien, este vez intentará la grabación referente al tipo de persona
- As for that the energy which moves me
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/jupiter9026/36640961.html Well, story changes, but on around the April middle, it went to the wedding of the friend Bien, la historia cambia, pero encendido alrededor del centro de abril, fue a la boda del amigo
- Koganezawa ceremony bright work catcher mitt web
http://baseball-dreamer.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/04/post-88c8.html Well, correcting soon, we would like to use, Bien, corrigiendo pronto, quisiéramos utilizar,
Golden Week, japanese culture, Leisure,