- Customer April 28th
http://japanfootballmuseum.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2012-04-28 At 1 floor [vuachiyarusutajiamu], during (to May 31st) “book” spreading/displaying holding of wild pink Bei 1 Fußboden [vuachiyarusutajiamu], während „des Buchverbreitens/Holding des wilden Rosas anzeigend“ (zu 31. Mai)
- About the business of Golden Week holidays.
http://blog.livedoor.jp/marutokukagu/archives/52049451.html April 30th (month celebration) - May 1st (fire) am10: 00 - pm6: 00open 30. April (Monatsfeier) - 1. Mai (Dienstag) am10: 00 - pm6: 00open
- More and more [marushie] opening!
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/cypresskaruizawa/diary/201204280003/ To 4/29~5/6 time am8: 30~am11: At the lobby lounge of 301f the stripe ~ which opening is it does Zu 4/29~5/6mal am8: 30~am11: Am Vorhalleaufenthaltsraum von 301f tut das Streifen ~, das Öffnung es ist
- May 1st (the fire) it is close day.
http://ameblo.jp/mermaid-staff/entry-11236489762.html April 30th (month) 10: 00~20: 00 * pleasure pulling out selection meeting!! May 1st (fire) close day May 2nd (water) 13: 00~20: 005 month 3 day (wood) 10: 00~20: Though 00 * it is dense, no charge!! May 4th (gold) 10: 00~20: Though 00 * it is dense, no charge!! May 5th (Saturday) 10: 00~20: Though 00 * it is dense, no charge!! May 6th (day) 10: 00~20: 00 * balloon distribution!! We wait for the utilization of everyone 10:00 ~20 30. April-(Monat): 00 * Vergnügen, das Vorwählersitzung! auszieht! 1. Mai-(Feuer) nahes 13:00 ~20 Tag2. Mai-(Wasser): 005 Monat 3 10:00 ~20 des Tag (Holz): Obwohl 00 * es ist, keine Gebühr! dicht! 10:00 ~20 4. Mai-(Gold): Obwohl 00 * es ist, keine Gebühr! dicht! 10:00 ~20 5. Mai-(Samstag): Obwohl 00 * er ist, keine Gebühr! dicht! 10:00 ~20 6. Mai-(Tag): 00 * Ballonverteilung!! Wir warten die Anwendung von jeder
- , a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/andior/entry-11236256932.html 4/30 (month celebration) 11: The 00~ it added, a liberal translation 4/30 (Monatsfeier) 11: Das 00~, das es addierte
- * News*
http://ameblo.jp/corolla-angels/entry-11236657663.html 4/30 (month) the ~5/7 (month) to it receives the day off, a liberal translation Es empfängt den freien Tag bis 4/30 (Montag) ~5/7 (Monat)
Golden Week, japanese culture, Leisure,