- [a] [a]…
http://cattery-pingu.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/04/post-3f44.html I according to the calendar am to be going to work, but [nonbiri] it probably completes after a long time being, it is the pleasure I selon le calendrier AM à aller le travailler, mais [nonbiri] il accomplit probablement après un long temps étant, est le plaisir
- Golden Week holidays, a liberal translation
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/partsbox/diary/201204280000/ I work, now at Toyohashi morning kneading, strike 200 spheres of course first, a liberal translation Je travaille, maintenant au matin de Toyohashi malaxant, frappe 200 sphères naturellement d'abord
- The [ro] [ku] [pa] - it is, the [chi
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/xx_toshio_2004_xx/61871568.html As for me with according to calendar tomorrow work! How densely the [tsu] it is!! Quant à moi avec selon le calendrier travaillez demain ! Comment en masse [tsu] il est ! !
- Inspection day, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/kazu-hab/entry-11233563809.html I work do cripes with being completed, the [yo Je travaille fais des cripes avec être accomplie, [yo
Golden Week, japanese culture, Leisure,