- From today with GW 9 consecutive holidays (long vacation)
http://summer-s.at.webry.info/201204/article_9.html Well, starting running of this week love horse is 4 Bem, começar o funcionamento deste cavalo do amor da semana é 4
- The first half of GW starts.
http://takalog.livedoor.biz/archives/52008544.html Well, from tomorrow Golden Week holidays Bem, dos feriados dourados da semana do amanhã
- Still? Still?
http://aristrip.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/04/post-12db.html Well therefore, I drive to the fear of chicken pox and the air which raises the schedule of Golden Week holidays does not rise, perhaps, even it collapses, it is… Poço conseqüentemente, eu conduzo ao medo do pox de galinha e o ar que levanta a programação de feriados dourados da semana não se levanta, talvez, mesmo desmorona, ele é…
- 2012-04- 2813: 51: 05
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/100man-powers/e/4f6ab998ed9fa6eb04d6ee55715af0e1 Well well today is good weather, a liberal translation O poço do poço é hoje bom tempo
Golden Week, japanese culture, Leisure,