- Flower varieties -
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/ayumi-114yururi/e/2036eb409e93efa2ccf05a2b85d1706f Golden Week holidays come even in the pad, - - Os feriados dourados da semana vêm mesmo na almofada, - -
- It is dense though day, a liberal translation
http://frogsleap.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/04/post-4094.html Though even in the pad today when the carp streamer swims is dense at the preschool, meeting of day Embora mesmo na almofada hoje quando as nadadas da flâmula da carpa forem densas no pré-escolar, reunião do dia
- 4/28 accesses 70,000 time it exceeds, Golden Week holidays thrust (being full), a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/tms49310/archives/1677226.html As for consecutive holiday of the pad there is no schedule which is conspicuous, but forcing, if you say, first paragraph phrase of the first grandchild Quanto para ao feriado consecutivo da almofada não há nenhuma programação que é conspícua, mas forçamento, se você diz, da primeira frase do parágrafo do primeiro neto
- Occur in Kiryu city.
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/jany1dory1max/62967911.html The pad being able to point to the citizen group and conduct of Ina city together, came to the point of receiving A almofada que pode apontar junto ao grupo do cidadão e à conduta da cidade de Ina, veio ao ponto da recepção
- From tomorrow GW
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/takuru2004/e/5d7b31defeba6bb8331a406a0df2f324 Training photograph of pad Fotografia do treinamento da almofada
Golden Week, japanese culture, Leisure,