- Lucky, a liberal translation
http://mblg.tv/saukar/entry/1731/ 2011-12- 2918: 41 2011-12- 2918:41
- Location touch will be begun!, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/yukinobu_2006/e/327b38a23684b6ecce1eb0b8b4c1699b 2011 Seto Ohashi z meeting in Mitoyo automatic operation… Reunión 2011 de Seto Ohashi z en la operación automática de Mitoyo…
http://nako27.blog60.fc2.com/blog-entry-658.html 2012-04-02 (mon) 2012-04-02 (lunes)
- [tsuito] summary of 04/09
http://mdorierika.blog45.fc2.com/blog-entry-808.html 2012-04-10 twitter 2012-04-10 gorjeo
- 2011-12 schedule
http://non-po-so.moe-nifty.com/hg/2011/09/2011-12-dc9c.html 2011-12 as for holiday circumstance… perhaps, the person who has been checked you thought, but it is the year when perhaps number one, moment is bad in 7 patterns 2011-12 como para la circunstancia del día de fiesta… quizás, la persona que se ha comprobado le pensamiento, solamente es el año en que quizás el número uno, momento es malo en 7 patrones
- As for 2221 China is seen (1139) the Miwa Akihiro introduction (on) which
http://henmi42.cocolog-nifty.com/yijianyeye/2011/10/post-eccc.html 2011-09- 2621: 58: 35 mustard in Japan 2011-09- 2621:58: mostaza 35 en Japón
Golden Week, japanese culture, Leisure,