- , a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/give_up_o00/archives/51918576.html Tomorrow riding, it is today when you probably will bite Mañana montando, es hoy cuando usted morderá probablemente
- The night when setting-in of spring and the powder snow whirl, a liberal translation
http://cho-co.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/02/post-37d4.html Tomorrow is forecast of the snow in the wide range, a liberal translation La man¢ana es pronóstico de la nieve en la amplia gama
- This winter number one of some time
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/sibata9/e/0576e1511c90dfd6db8fbcd81ce6319a Tomorrow, in 3 weeks representation of room having of one time Mañana, en la representación de 3 semanas del sitio que tiene de una vez
- deka purinpurin ���� hokkaidou mura �� banbi ��
http://ameblo.jp/michatan-taiyo/entry-10792274492.html Physical condition of tomorrow seeing, that thinking, whether it will go to the hospital, it increases, a liberal translation Condición física mañana de ver, ese pensamiento, si irá al hospital, aumenta
Woosu, japanese culture,