- ★Five★
http://ameblo.jp/sa-chan-with-ki/entry-10567143491.html “mc longest record?”The [tsu] [te] you say “长mc记录?” [tsu] [te]您说
- original letters
http://blog.livedoor.jp/bathkame/archives/51667559.html “You eat, -!”While the [tsu] [te] laughing, you call “您吃, -! ”,当[tsu]时[te]笑,您叫
- Japanese talking
http://ameblo.jp/lalalak3-2007/entry-10248629985.html The [ma] it is it was super [kouki] of the [ma], (laughing) contents even the current “fixed amount benefits” the [ji] [tsu] [te] “thick. The behavior gold” [tsu] [te] saying, it increased, (laughing) with, thick. After receiving the behavior gold, you sold and becoming that tax revives, getting angry, you increased [ma]它是它是超级[kouki] [ma], (笑)内容甚而当前“固定值有益于” [ji] [tsu] [te] “浓厚。 行为金子” [tsu] [te]说法,它增加了, (笑)与,浓厚。 在接受行为金子以后,您卖了,并且成为那种税复兴,生气,您增加了
Tanaka Satoshi, Entertainment,