- 24 days (despair)
http://hurinblog.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2009-08-24 Good bye desperate teacher 18th collection (the boy magazine comics) the writer: Kumeda Koji publisher/manufacturer: The Kodansha publishers, Ltd. sale day: 2009/08/17 media: Comic 再见绝望老师第18汇集(男孩杂志漫画)作家: Kumeda KOJI出版者或制造者: Kodansha出版者,有限公司销售天: 2009/08/17媒介: 可笑
- Good bye desperate teacher 18th collection limited edition
http://souteikurabu.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/08/18-bcd8.html Good bye the desperate teacher 18th collection limited edition author: Kumeda Koji selling agency: The Kodansha publishers, Ltd. sale day: Details are verified with 2009/08/19 amazon.co.jp, a liberal translation 再见绝望老师第18位汇集有限版作者: Kumeda KOJI销售代办处: Kodansha出版者,有限公司销售天: 细节核实与2009/08/19 amazon.co.jp
- Vague being convinced.
http://musubi.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-05-19 Good bye desperate teacher (21) (the boy magazine comics) the writer: Kumeda Koji publisher/manufacturer: The Kodansha publishers, Ltd. sale day: 再见绝望老师(21) (男孩杂志漫画)作家: Kumeda KOJI出版者或制造者: Kodansha出版者,有限公司销售天:
- 'Good bye desperate teacher 22 volume'
http://makihouse.way-nifty.com/minimini/2010/09/22-ea65.html Good bye desperate teacher (22) (the boy magazine comics) Kumeda Koji Kodansha publishers, Ltd. 再见绝望老师(22) (男孩杂志漫画) Kumeda KOJI Kodansha出版者,有限公司。
- Good bye desperate teacher 23rd collection
http://asahiroanime.blog42.fc2.com/blog-entry-370.html Good bye desperate teacher (23) (boy magazine comics)/Koji Kumeda, a liberal translation 再见绝望老师(23) (男孩杂志漫画)作家: Kumeda KOJI出版者或制造者: Kodansha出版者,有限公司销售天:
- It shakes largely, wearing, (16) (afternoon KC)
http://autoblog008.seesaa.net/article/188200096.html Good bye desperate teacher (24) (the boy magazine. 再见绝望老师(24) (男孩杂志。
- 5th lap being similar,…
http://musubi.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-11-18 Good bye desperate teacher (23) (the boy magazine comics) the writer: Kumeda Koji publisher/manufacturer: The Kodansha publishers, Ltd. sale day: 再见绝望老师(23) (男孩杂志漫画)作家: Kumeda KOJI出版者或制造者: Kodansha出版者,有限公司销售天:
- Japanese weblog
http://autoblog008.seesaa.net/article/152665191.html , a liberal translation 也有这样商品-不可思议的老师葱[ma]! (29) (男孩杂志漫画) -最强的学生[kenichi]在历史38 (男孩星期天漫画) -竹刀片13 (年轻癌症或枪倔强混合) -再见绝望老师(21) (男孩杂志漫画) -,好象它[hayate]! 23 (男孩星期天漫画)
- Japanese weblog
http://takezo-book.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/04/post-6bc4.html These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics. Para obtener mas informacion, pregunte a los bloggers a enlazar.
- 懺・さよなら絶望先生 第07話
http://enishi-hatsuta.at.webry.info/200908/article_15.html Good bye desperate teacher 18th collection limited edition Kodansha publishers, Ltd. 2009-08-19 the Kumeda Koji Amazon associate by web rib log 再见绝望老师第18位汇集有限版Kodansha出版者,有限公司2009-08-19由网肋骨日志的Kumeda KOJI ・亚马逊同事
- さよなら絶望先生 限定版20巻
http://tibi-kanntyou.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/12/post-9b85.html Good bye the desperate teacher limited edition 20 volume author: Kumeda Koji selling agency: Details are verified with the Kodansha publishers, Ltd. amazon.co.jp, a liberal translation 再见绝望老师有限版20容量作者: Kumeda KOJI销售代办处: 细节核实与Kodansha出版者,有限公司amazon.co.jp
- 懺・絶望先生 第2話
http://ak-mat.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/07/post-fcff.html Good bye desperate teacher 17th collection (the boy magazine comics) the author: Kumeda Koji selling agency: Details are verified with the Kodansha publishers, Ltd. amazon.co.jp 再见绝望老师第17汇集(男孩杂志漫画)作者: Kumeda KOJI销售代办处: 细节核实与Kodansha出版者,有限公司amazon.co.jp
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Anime, Manga,