- Area BP festival hiking, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/osaka106cs/66250818.html As for February 19th, combined bp festival of Osaka Hannan area was done Was 19. Februar anbetrifft, kombiniertes BP-Festival Bereichs des Osaka-Hannan war erfolgt
- Station employee sleeping cell
http://nozomi36.air-nifty.com/eikoh/2010/01/post-a843.html 2010 January 18th (Monday) 12:34 transmission Yomiuri Shimbun Company, a liberal translation 2010 18. Januar (Montag) 12:34getriebe Yomiuri- Shimbunfirma
- u0026quot;Osaka Auto Messe 2010u0026quot; ... Intex Osaka
http://curyyuron.seesaa.net/article/140983676.html February 3 days of 12.13 14 days, it is held in tex Osaka of the south port, to it went “Osaka [otometsuse] 2010”, a liberal translation 3. Februar-Tage von 12.13 14 Tagen, wird es gehalten im tex Osaka des Südhafens, zu ihm ging „Osaka [otometsuse] 2010“
Sumiyoshi Ward, Reportage,