- Graduation ceremony
http://kiyoshi-goda.cocolog-nifty.com/jp/2012/03/post-0546.html Today was graduation ceremony of the small school of the eldest son Heutiger Tag war Staffelungzeremonie der kleinen Schule des ältesten Sohns
- When one time you open and try being repaired
http://blog.livedoor.jp/chipa_101/archives/1702851.html Today - the graduate came to meeting with graduation ceremony, a liberal translation Heute - der Absolvent kam zum Treffen von Staffelungzeremonie
- Graduation, you question with the [me], it is!!, a liberal translation
http://93525577.at.webry.info/201203/article_4.html Today was graduation ceremony of the Kanamaru small school, a liberal translation Heutiger Tag war Staffelungzeremonie der Kanamaru kleinen Schule
- Present school lunch
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/buchi_masuda/e/d2ac7f7c7670c6c2856241e7e9ab47db Present school lunch the spots which are the vinegar pig it was good, is and we would like to eat, is, a liberal translation Anwesende Schulmahlzeit die Punkte, die das Essigschwein sind, das, es, ist gut war und wir möchte essen, ist
- Class deciding test, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/11230210/e/abb1e1b3cc388754fd86b8ab2cb3b96d Today was class deciding test Heutiger Tag war entscheidentest der Kategorie
- Early attendance going to work!, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/namikeikao/entry-11188662712.html Today as for junior high school of neighborhood it was graduation ceremony, a liberal translation Heute was Mittelstufe anbetrifft der Nachbarschaft war es Staffelungzeremonie
Graduation, japanese culture, Education,