- Seeing [so]?
http://haruka.air-nifty.com/odisyonn/2012/03/post-9986.html So, there is no such an expectation, don't you think??, a liberal translation Ainsi, il n'y a une aucune telle espérance, vous ne pensent pas ? ?
- You question with your graduation [me], it is!, a liberal translation
http://cl-mine.cocolog-wbs.com/blog/2012/03/post-ff96.html So, just discernibly when going out the soiling the fullest capacity, a liberal translation Ainsi, juste perceptiblement en sortant la salissure de la plus pleine capacité
- Raisin yeast de spring the color [denitsushiyu] angular food… with, just a little the quick diploma
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/naotti0801/e/29a7d49187a3ef47d49bb9eb0983a04c So, favorite around here and others - Ainsi, favori autour d'ici et d'autres -
- Round lesson & outlet
http://ameblo.jp/miki-fitness/entry-11192759043.html So, way that scale does not peel off,… Ainsi, manière que la balance n'épluche pas au loin,…
- Little by little advancing
http://kanotti.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/03/post-faf5.html So, as for word of separation,, a liberal translation Ainsi, quant au mot de la séparation,
- [buro] friend and to it makes densemakes dense the [babiyun] [tsu] the ♪
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/samansa_darlin/37918223.html So, the inside very cute Ainsi, l'intérieur très mignon
Graduation, japanese culture, Education,