- It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/landsearch/e/29671fbdfc583b9e82340c3819728ed2?fm=rss After, to junior high school as for 1 times and 2 times although by all means you had gone to bed, (including also [zuru],), entering into high school in 1 terms it compares and there is a heat and even with what “it does not go to bed!”With it continued to commute Para obtener mas informacion, pregunte a los bloggers a enlazar.
- The school which goes is decided
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/gorillatanaka/e/c98d7482b5ff2ece689eb22c477fcf13 The child where junior high school entrance examination is in time it is, probably will be, but so the child which is not naturally it is, a liberal translation 初中入学考试按时它是的孩子,大概,但是如此不自然地是它的孩子是
- Recent condition report??, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/lapis-lazuli-0u0/entry-11070045481.html He of the w example which reaches the point where the mail comes frequently from him of example stopping, the company when local end him of the ww example which returns and, from him of the www example which 1 hour at this time telephoned” it returns to the end case of the telephone, don't you think? very this time it probably will go 坦 the 々 noodle (to eating)!”When with wwww me who am invited, it stops at the company, the word [tsu] [chi] [ya] it was!! It went to combination [kon] for the first time with today and life!!, a liberal translation 到达点邮件常常地来自停止他的例子的他w例子,公司,当地方结束退回和的他ww例子,从此时的1个小时给”它打电话回到电话末端盒,您不认为的他万维网例子? 非常这次它大概将去坦々面条(对吃)! ”,当与wwww上午邀请的我,它停止在公司,词[tsu] [凯爱] [ya]它是!! 它第一次去组合[kon]与今天和生活!!
- Accidentally or inevitability!?, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/green319/entry-11126813258.html With the child where transfer in 2 terms 3 years of junior high schools, liking, it becomes without the ×2 ginger, it is the extent where the hand is not attached to preparatory study for examination and from generality entrance examination changes into nomination entrance examination (laughing) 调动用2术语3年初中,喜欢,它成为,不用×2姜的孩子,它是手没有附有准备研究为考试的程度,并且从普通性入学考试改变到提名入学考试(笑)
Graduation, japanese culture, Education,