- Be able to reach to the heaven, 2011/54th numbers: The children, 2 where you have been enthusiastic
http://tenmadetodoke.tea-nifty.com/blog/2012/01/post-d769.html That is “being preparation review secure”, a liberal translation Der „ist der sichere Vorbereitungsbericht“
- 'Close-up today' the bare face ~ of man [teibu] [jiyobuzu] which changed the ~ world
http://ameblo.jp/myway0124/entry-11046095183.html Because that had “respect” vis-a-vis the sensitivity of the human, it probably will put out, is Weil das „Respekt“ angesichts der Empfindlichkeit des Menschen hatte, setzt sich es vermutlich heraus, ist
- Fighting [u] former principal
http://blog.livedoor.jp/leltugo123-yuki1234/archives/51648568.html That and 8 classes which graduate everyone wrote 8 colored papers, the Dohi former principal shows “the treasure” of the 2 types in the meeting place, this is the highest gift Diese und 8 Kategorien, die jeder graduieren, schrieben 8 farbige Papiere, das Dohi, das ehemalige Direktion sich zeigt, dass „der Schatz“ der 2 den Treffpunkt, diesen ist das höchste Geschenk eintippt
- Simple [ietsuto] which it is possible to anyone!!
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/noubou_002/e/e9aa9d63691c61d23642c236665f7363 As for that, encountering to the sickness and misfortune and trouble, for the first time, “being in the sea how many they are happy things whether, natural life how many being happy things?” because it reaches the point where it can recognize is Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
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Graduation, japanese culture, Education,