- Celebration! Graduation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/amikai1/archives/52227204.html As for nevertheless, the time passing fast ones, a liberal translation En cuanto a sin embargo, el tiempo que pasa rápidamente unos
- February 29th (water) [bu] and coming
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/osakanopooh3/e/031101de408d5a9c18aa67ca8cb6f901 Nevertheless today was graduation ceremony of the impression which invites the tear, a liberal translation Sin embargo estaba hoy la ceremonia de graduación de la impresión que invita al rasgón
- women 039 s Love 2nd page
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/ayaka123093/52459861.html Nevertheless the gossamer branch has nodded delightfully so, a liberal translation Sin embargo la rama del hilo de araña ha cabeceado encantadoramente tan
- 03 necks which the [chi] quickly are shaken 'it touches and others going', a liberal translation
http://28903894.at.webry.info/201110/article_24.html To that Chihaya becomes the quarrel waist, new proposes the source flat game of 3 to 3 there A ese Chihaya se convierte la cintura de la pelea, nueva propone el juego plano de la fuente de 3 a 3 allí
Graduation, japanese culture, Education,