- The photograph of the yearbook was taken. (It is student council and the photograph of club. )
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/diwasakikyo/35453111.html Today, there is no 5th time class cleaning the ^^ which is, a liberal translation Heute gibt es keine 5. Zeitkategorie, die das ^^ säubert, das ist
- * Second period graduation ceremony*, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/kunikata-emi/entry-10958771897.html Today was nail school second period raw graduation ceremony* Conferment of end certificate* And, at a time 1 it has us speaking the thought of 3 months, Heutiger Tag war rohe Gewährung ceremony* Staffelung des Nagelschule-zweiten Teils von Ende certificate* und, auf einmal 1 hat er uns, den Gedanken von 3 Monaten zu sprechen,
- <[repo]>2/17 'Naked' letter crossing over that 2
http://blog.livedoor.jp/tama_sora/archives/1608165.html Because today is work from this, it was renewal at such a time Weil heutiger Tag Arbeit von diesem ist, war es Erneuerung zu einem Zeitpunkt
- The way if, thank you, and. . . In addition once upon a time!
http://cloverpianoschool.blog24.fc2.com/blog-entry-206.html Today was clover piano classroom first “graduation ceremony”, a liberal translation Heutiger Tag war Kleeklavierklassenzimmer zuerst „Staffelungzeremonie“
Graduation, japanese culture, Education,